From now until the challenge (starting February 3rd) I’ll be posting some tips on how best to prepare for a 30-day nutrition challenge. One of the first tips is to prep your kitchen. If the junk food is not in the house, it will be harder to access and therefore not as tempting. So, start now. Clean out the kitchen and get rid of all the junk! Give it away, throw it away, whatever you want – just don’t eat it all thinking that’s an okay way to get it out of your house. If you are unsure of what’s junk and what’s not… good rule of thumb is… if it’s processed, has added sugars, doesn’t have an expiration date, your grandmother wouldn’t know what it is, comes in a box, has ingredients on it you can’t pronounce, has added flavors or colors etc… chances are, it’s junk.
Also, start reading up on primal/paleo nutrition. There are some great websites out there. If you have a good one, add it to the comments below. Our favorite classics to start you off are Mark’s Daily Apple, The Whole 9, Robb Wolf and from their blogs you can surf through many others.