One tip on how to be successful with this challenge involved staying connected. One way to do that is by reading and educating yourself on healthy lifestyles. One blog that we have always enjoyed following for years now is Marks Daily Apple. For some good information on the basics of being “primal” click here This is not the only resource we love and certainly not the ONLY way to do it, but it does give good insight on eating primal and living a healthy lifestyle. And we love it!
Another website we have always referenced when doing these challenges is The Whole9. In particular, we pull this article “The Carrot Train to CrazyTown” out every time we do a challenge. It’s a good reminder to not trip over the cracks in the sidewalk and just to EAT HEALTHY and CUT OUT THE CRAP. Don’t get crazy over details, but more so, just stop eating the french fries… Ya dig?
This challenge is not only about nutrition however, It’s about CrossFIt Generation’s “5 Pillars for Health” and what we believe to be the biggest “big ticket items” toward living a healthy lifestyle. I heard someone say in recent times that “sitting is the new smoking”…. in other words, sitting is the next big thing to wreak havoc on our health like smoking. And, I think there’s a lot of truth in that line of thinking. In order to fight against this, walking must become more of a priority. Here’s a cool article called “This is your Body on Walking” and discusses the benefits of walking.
Enjoy your reading and staying connected to the challenge! Cheers!