One important part to changing over to a 30 day challenge is making sure you eat enough. When cutting out some foods (even empty calorie pseudo foods) you need to be prepared to replace them. If not, you run the risk of being hungry and that is a slippery slope into making poor choices. Remember, for some that have yet to do a 30 day challenge, this is new and therefore an experiment and therefore will take some trial and error to get it right. Don’t get frustrated and let your brain convince you to stop. Get through the first few hard bumps in the road because that will make for smooth sailing on the other side. But eat enough at first. Increase your meals slightly, adjust snacks and make sure to recognize why you are hungry (all part of being mindful). Are you bored? Is it because you just worked out and need to refuel? Craving sugar? Recognizing why you are hungry will help you identify whether or not you should do something about it.