Well, what a week this was! This was a great example of ‘life’ happening while on a challenge with all the weather obstacles we had this week! From talking to everyone it sounds like you all made out great with your goals even when faced with some hard situations. That’s a great point as to why it’s good for family and friends to know what you are doing with your challenge, so they can help support you with your efforts! Let’s sound off in the comments below and start sharing experiences now that we are a few days in…

  • What was the hardest part of week one for you?
  • What did you do to overcome those hardships?
  • What was successful for you?
  • What will you do differently heading into week 2?

By now you should be over some of those initial headaches and emotional lows. Have you turned the corner yet? Mentally now your body should know you are not giving in to some of those cravings so they should start to diminish. Also, you body will soon begin to use fats as an energy source instead of carbs which may bring some mental clarity and physical responses as well.

A few points:

  • Make sure to continue to experiment with spices and recipes. Don’t let your meals get boring.
  • Add plenty of fats and proteins to your salads. Not only does it keep salads exciting, but the fats aid in digestion of the veggies and helps you get the most out of all they have to offer!
  • A great resource for salad dressing can be found on the Clothes Make the Girl website and search for dressings/sauces under recipes.
  • Focus less on the food and more on the experience. At a party? Socialize, dance, play games and spend time doing events that aren’t focused on the foods. The kitchen is not the best place to hang out as you know.
  • Another sweet favorite of ours has always been Caveman Custard from Son of Grok. This recipe helps to give something sweet at the end of the day.  If you are having trouble with a sweet tooth though, might not be best to do this just yet. Instead, tea or simply brushing your teeth to signify the end of the day is helpful. If you choose to make the custard, here is the recipe:  (2 ripe bananas, 1 can coconut milk, 3 eggs, cinnamon. Combine and mix well. Pour into oven safe dishes/cups and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for 45 mins or so at 350. Chill and serve!)
  • Barry will send out all participants more recipes to add to your crock pot meals. This one will focus on breakfasts, so be on the lookout.