When discussing the challenge with someone, they stated they might not do it because they didn’t need to lose weight. One misconception with “eating primal” is that weight loss will always occur. There still is some truth to the calories in/calories out theory, so that’s one piece, but the other piece is this…
When you eat as you should (i.e. wholesome, natural, real non-processed foods) the body is able to find an equilibrium in a healthy, balanced state. When the body can function under this type of natural, healthy environment, it’s going to take the shape that it was genetically intended to be. Your essentially letting you body do what it wants to do and therefore physically change as a result. That’s why it’s unrealistic to think you can positively change eating habits and end up with a six-pack and whatever else. If you’re genetically not made up that way, it won’t happen. Gene expression is a huge piece to this. Your nutrition can adjust how the genes are expressed. Healthy habits turn up healthy expressions and turn down “sickness” while eating poorly will result in the opposite effect. So, by doing this challenge you are doing the best you can to create a positive, healthy environment for you body to function from the inside out. And the inside is such an important piece which we sometimes forget when all we focus on is the outside (how you look). For some this means weight loss, for others it means weight gain. Whatever the case, congrats for doing this and giving your body such a healthy environment to live and function — it will add quality years to your life. What a gift!