Weekends can be tough because we aren’t in our normal routines and therefore things can get a little whacky. This is even more true when we have holidays and long weekends off involved. This weekend is just that for some of us as it’s Valentines Day weekend and also Presidents Day on Monday. Treat the next few days as if they were nothing out of the ordinary and stick with the plan. Continue to prep food as normal, plan as normal and execute as normal. BUT, with that said, we know that even in order to be successful with “winning” this challenge, you do have some built-in leniency with points for certain occasions. Here are some tips for how to navigate that 20% “special occasion” AKA 80/20 rule and not undo all the effort you’ve just put in over the last two weeks.
- If you do choose to go out to eat for a meal… check out the menu online before you go (not when you’re hungry), and decide what you’ll order so you’ll have a game plan before you go.
- Make every decision you make a conscious, thought out decision. This is also why it’s best to skip alcohol as that can increase the likelihood of you veering off course while in the moment.
- If you do make a conscious effort to forego the challenge point for the day and indulge in something, make sure it’s not one of your “big ticket” items that will cause a major setback. It’s still too soon to go there. Indulge in something that you enjoy and is worth it, but isn’t likely to send you in a tailspin of overindulging.
- We’ve said this before, but make sure your company knows you’re doing this so that they don’t wonder why you aren’t partaking in the treats they’ve prepared. Less risk to insult your hosts if you tell them beforehand.
- Don’t beat yourself up if you do make a decision to go off script. Get right back on it after. Stay calm and carry on.