A big shift we sometimes see during challenges is a shift in training. Initially you may see a dip in performance while the body works through that detox phase. This can be frustrating at times because you may feel sluggish or weak. Remember, this is just a phase and it will get better… and when it does, it will be better than before! If you find yourself losing some weight while cleaning up your nutrition and improving sleep etc… then you may continue to see some drops in your lifts. This will happen. Expect it to and don’t be disappointed when it does. Once your body weight evens out to the weight you are meant to be, then you can start to build back the strength while you maintain weight. It’s really hard to have weight loss and strength gains occur simultaneously.
By Jocelyn Weidner|2016-02-02T12:47:45-05:00February 3, 2016|Nutrition|Comments Off on Training Expectations