Over the past week I’ve had some great conversations with some “For the Love of Paleo” challengers. Here are some highlights:

  • One challengers spouse made them a heart shaped meatloaf for Valentine’s Day! Now that’s love!
  • One challenger bought a “Spiralator” from Amazon and is having so much fun making vegetable pastas! Her husband even loved the sweet potato noodles!
  • Another challenger told me how satisfied they feel and have well exceeded the weight loss plateau they had been stuck at prior to the challenge. 35lbs lost since joining CFG and doing the challenge.
  • I had a conversation with someone else about the mental clarity that has set in. It’s like the fog lifted and energy has really kicked up.
  • Another reported in that their sleep has improved greatly since starting the challenge. That’s great news for overall health and performance goals.
  • Another conversation was about poor food prep and organization for the week left one person hungry and therefore craving the old junk food triggers. This just reinforced to this person how important it is to have a plan and execute that plan.
  • CustomFit Meals has been a big help to many people to have easy, quick quality meals throughout the challenge. Buying the CFM has cut down on their grocery shopping list greatly so the food budget is being managed better as well.

The final conversation that I will mention here is about “life after the challenge” … what to do?! With a little more than a week left (final day is March 4th)…. What happens on March 5th? Certainly do something to reward yourself for successfully reaching your goals with the challenge. I can’t stress how hard that is to do, so take your $20 and go buy something special (non-food related). A manicure or massage or new workout gear are GREAT rewards. Whatever it is, congratulate yourself for a job well done! But then what…. see below for a few important pointers.

  • For some of you we have talked about the challenge continuing another 30 days. We continue to hold on to your $20 deposit and you keep going. 30 days weren’t enough to meet your goals. That is normal and really, 30 days just scratches the surface with what you can accomplish. We do 30 days because it’s the proper time to reset the body and help reinforce new eating patterns/habits, but it’s not always enough time to meet all your goals. So, even though this particular challenge ends, it’s just beginning for some of you.
  • Some of you already met your goals and feel confident you won’t revert back to your old unhealthy ways. If that is the case, then you can create a plan for what to incorporate back into your meal plan. Is it that splash of cream in your coffee that you miss? Or that small bit of cheese in your salad? It’s important to NOT bring back ANYTHING that will cause a downward spiral into old habits. Even if you ABSOLUTELY miss that bedtime bowl of cereal…. if that will cause you to fall off the wagon DON’T DO IT. You’ve come too far to start over again. It’s SO IMPORTANT to identify what you crave and why and if you go back to it, what are the bigger consequences in doing so. Don’t do it just because the challenge is over and you “can”. That’s not a good reason.
  • Create a plan for you that will work to fit your lifestyle. Life is life and temptations are everywhere. Is it realistic to NEVER taste dessert again? Maybe, but probably not. What will be a plan that will work for you that will allow you to enjoy life, but continue on this path to ultimate health. Maybe it’s a special meal on your birthday. Maybe it’s saving that ‘sweet something’ for that family tradition recipe baked goods that comes around annually.
  • Remember, what worked for you before the challenge… DIDN’T WORK- that’s why you did the challenge and were in the state you were in. We have changed the behavior with this challenge and SO MANY good things have come because of it. You CAN’T GO BACK to your old ways and think that you won’t go back to your old self.

We will strategize more ways to deal with post challenge in the coming posts. Until then, get some good food prep in today for the week and continue to be strong. We still have over a week left of this challenge! You are doing so good! Keep it up!!! Reconnect with goals too, remind yourself why you are doing this – all those little things helps to keep you motivated and on the right track!