WEEK OF 2/17/25
An “Egg”cellent Opportunity
Our friend and CrossFit colleague Bruce Dorsey has started a local farm business: Union Farmstead in Quakertown. Committed to sustainably raised and locally grown food, Union Farmstead will soon be producing farm fresh eggs that will be available for pre-purchase online and pick up right here at CFG each week. We expect the first eggs available for pick up here at CFG on Thursday, Feb 27. We will be hosting the link to their online store on our website as well as providing a QR code on the side of the fridge at CFG for your weekly order.
Class Milestone Wall
Don’t forget to look up your total class attendance on your Wodify app. We love all the magnets on the numbers and the photos to celebrate on social. CFG is slowly coming up on 17 years of opening our doors and another 10 year club plaque which has quite the class this year.
Monday, February 17th
Skill – 10 minutes
Rope Climbs and Deadlift prep
For time:
15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Deadlifts (155/225 lb)
5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Rope climbs (15/15 ft)
Load of deadlift
12ft rope climbs
# of rope climbs
Single Ring Rows with both arms following same reps as deadlift
Tuesday, February 18th
Strength I
Bench Press
Starting @ 80%
Strength II
4 x 100yd Farmer Carry (5 lengths on turf)
1 minute plank hold
-Grab a buddy and relay it
Wednesday, February 19th
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 overhead reverse lunges (75/115 lb)
7 KB swings (55/70 lb)
7/9-cal on machine
load of barbell and KB
3 rounds for total time:
Row or Ski 300m or Bike .4
Rest 30 seconds
Row or Ski 200m or Bike .3
Rest 1 minutes
Row or Ski 100m or Bike .2
Rest 1:30 minutes
Thursday, February 20th
Every 3:00 for 7 sets:
:45 to complete:
15yd shuttle sprint (5-10-15yds)
Max-reps burpees
– Rest the remaining 2:15
Scale to a 10yd shuttle (5-10yds) as needed
EMOM for 10 minutes:
2-4 bar muscle-ups
Scale options:
jumping bar muscle-ups
chest to bar pull-ups
standard pull-ups
Friday, February 21st
Work up to a heavy double at around 85% or higher
Perform a set every 2 minutes
10 rounds for time:
3 power cleans (115/165 lb)
15 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
Saturday, February 22nd
Fitness with Friends
WOD posted Friday evening
Sunday, February 23rd