I’ve always been a fairly active person, played soccer for as long as I can remember but never felt or looked “fit”. I tried joining the gym a dozen times over the past 20 years but like most people, just couldn’t stick with it. My diet was completely out of control. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and in as much quantity as possible!
I came to the realization that the longer I wait to make some drastic changes, the more difficult it will be and if these changes aren’t done SOON, it will be impossible for me to achieve my fitness goals. The real “breaking point” was in the Fall of 2013, after watching the documentary “Food, Inc”. I had just come home from a soccer game feeling completely out of shape and frustrated with how I felt. After watching the documentary, I was absolutely horrified and shocked over the “common practices” of the food Industry in this country. I said enough is enough and that night I bagged up all the food I had in the kitchen, gave away what I could and threw away the rest! Aside from a few spices, my kitchen was completely empty!
I joined Crossfit Generation a few weeks later and knew working out wasn’t going to be enough and that I needed to eat clean to get the most out of my workouts. I knew that I needed to see results fast or else I would lose interest and go back to my old ways so I decided to go all in! Not having any idea what healthy food looked like, I decided to order all my food from Custom Fit Meals for 8 weeks. I needed to buy myself some time to do research as to what I should/shouldn’t eat.
Every Crossfit class reminds me of how far I’ve come and at the same time, how much further I still have to go. Being able to perform exercises that I have never been able to do helps drive me to work harder and achieve more. Between the end of November 2013 (when I joined CFG) and end of April 2014, I went from 205lbs to 175lbs, 26.4% body fat down to 9.5%…..and most importantly, I feel better now than I have ever felt in my entire life! I thank Barry, Jocelyn and all the coaches at CFG for helping me get to where I am today. I never would have done this without their guidance and dedication.