Daily Training – 6/21/2013
Gymnastics 5 x 20 second Handstand Holds MEBB - Bar Dip [...]
Gymnastics 5 x 20 second Handstand Holds MEBB - Bar Dip [...]
Sleds 5 x 20yds @ 15% bodyweight WOD Run 200m [...]
Check out the picture above. Do you notice the elbow [...]
A few athletes have been asking about Tabata and [...]
DAILY TRAINING Plyometrics 4 x 5 reps - Depth Drops [...]
Grip 3 x 1 minute sets: KB Holds WOD 4 rounds [...]
Double-Unders are one of just many skills in the CrossFit [...]
Agility Ladders MEBB Hang Clean 5,5,5,3,3,3 WOD AMRAP in 12 [...]
Upon completing a WOD, one of the worst things you [...]
6 rounds 5 HSPU 5 box jumps (24+/36+) not for [...]