New Garage
CrossFit Generation - CrossFitNew Garage (Time)21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps: Shoulder to Overhead [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFitNew Garage (Time)21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps: Shoulder to Overhead [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFit 3 position Clean (mid-thigh, above knee, [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFit160310 (AMRAP - Reps)5 x 30 seconds [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFitShoulder Press (50% x 10 x 5 [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFit160308 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP in [...]
CrossFit Generation - CFG Competitor's TrainingDeadlift (7 min EMOTM: 3 [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFitBack Squat (50% x 10 reps x [...]
CrossFit Generation - CrossFitMetcon (Time)Partner WOD 3 rounds for time: [...]
Power: Shoulder to Overhead 5 Minute EMOTM 2 @ 65% of [...]
Skill 1: 10 min of HS walk work Skill 2:. [...]