
  • 100 Double-Unders for time
  • 5 minute time cap.  Score number of double-unders left added onto the 5 minutes if all 100 are not completed in the time cap.  For instance, if you completed 78 double-unders in 5 minutes, your time would be 5:22.

WOD – 6 x 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest:

  • Handstand Holds – each 5 seconds held equals 1 rep.  If all six sets are unbroken holds, your score is 36.  Athletes are in charge of keeping their own seconds held off of the 30 second timer.
  • Box Jump Overs
  • Muscle-Ups – use seated band assistance if a regular muscle up is unattainable.  If a banded muscle up is unattainable, perform ring dips.