This 5-week challenge encompasses what we believe to be the most important factors to a healthy lifestyle known as our 5 Primal Pillars: Eat Real, Train Smart, Sleep A lot, Walk More, and Sprint Often.  Below are our explanations of exactly what the 5 Primal Pillars mean for you during this challenge.  If these 5 Primal Pillars are followed, your health and well-being can and will improve.  You will become a healthier and happier you!  So let’s dive into our 5 Primal Pillars and get your life back to the way nature intended it to be.

For this challenge, we are following a primal nutrition plan. This means: Eat lots of proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, nuts and seeds. Primal also has some allowances for some grains like wild rice, white potatoes and some full fat dairy products in moderation. In addition, primal technically allows for some dark chocolate and red wine as treats. Treats mean occasional and in small doses.  Items that are out are refined carbohydrates like breads, pastas, cereals, crackers, muffins, all desserts, soda and basically processed foods.  It’s important to cut out pseudo foods like sweeteners, artificial flavors and colors, additives etc… Eat Real means keep it as whole and natural as possible and eat foods as close to nature as possible.Since this challenge is centered around nutrition, this pillar is 7 days per week for 7 points each week.

This pillar is intended to get you moving at least 5 days per week for 5 points each week. It’s about challenging your body in a smart way without over-doing it.  CrossFit classes take care of this component as would going for a walk.  If you CrossFit 5 days a week, you’re all set (as long as you train smart while in class- ex: don’t do anything over your ability for that day, scale appropriately.) If you don’t CrossFit that much, then incorporating other activities that compliment your training can count here.

Sleep is often overlooked when it comes to meeting health goals. The fact is, you simply can’t meet long-term goals and maintain them long term operating under lack of sleep. The challenge here is to unplug, unwind and get to bed early enough to get 8 hours of sleep at least 5 days per week for 5 points each week. Sleep is when the body resets. The body needs to reset to function at capacity. The best quality sleep you can get is between the hours of 10p-2a. So get to bed early!

“Sitting” is being argued to be the new “smoking.” We know smoking kills, but what about sitting? The sitting epidemic is slowly taking over as a major factor in the health issues in America.  It’s hard to undo 8+ hours of sitting during the day with one hour-long workout. So get up, and walk throughout your day. Accumulate at least 30 minutes a day at least 2 times per week for 2 points each week.

Get that heart rate up! Short and hard bouts of sprinting have been proven to be very beneficial with achieving weight loss goals and strength gains. During this challenge, you get 1 point each week for sprinting at least 1 time during week. The sprint work can be done running, rowing, or even pushing/pulling sleds and can be counted if included in the CFG daily training WOD.  Go hard and go fast!