Gym Collage 1CFG is hosting our first ever “Hopper Gone Bad” event on 10/23 during the 6pm class!  No, it doesn’t have anything to do with the bathrooms…instead, we’re going to take Fight Gone Bad and shake it up a bit.

At the 6pm class on the 23rd, we will take a number of standard CrossFit movements and toss them into the hopper.  We’ll pick five of those movements…and they’ll become the evening’s workout.    No one will know the workout until 10 minutes before we start.   You’ll move through the movements in 3 five minute rounds…one minute at each of the five movements.  And to make it more fun, Mike D. will be in the gym DJ’ing for the night.

Afterwards….Happy Hour ensues at the Horsham Pub….

Stay tuned for more details, but mark your calendars for Thursday, 10/23..