Hello Challengers!
Once the challenge starts, we will be posting all nutrition related posts on the Nutrition page on this website. Also, remember, participants who paid the $20 deposit buy-in will be receiving emails with recipes, information and a discount code to CustomFit Meals!
Before Monday, take a look at your 3 goals and start to formulate mini goals to keep you on track. So, if the goal is to eat breakfast every morning, make a goal to write a little reminder for yourself on the bathroom mirror saying “Good morning! Don’t forget to grab breakfast on the way out the door!”
Another great way to stay on track with your 3 goals is to journal and keep a log of what you are eating and when. Wodify has a food tracker if you want to use it and Barry and I can take a peek at it as well if you’d like us to. All you need to is make one of us your “Coach” and we can view and give feedback.
Lastly, in preparation for the start on Monday, don’t go all out hog-wild this weekend. You’ll make it harder for yourself come Monday and regret it. Get excited… the new you is waiting!!!