This is a big time for people to start looking ahead to the new year to create goals. With training, it’s a great time to check where you’re at with everything and where you’d like to improve. Something I found helpful in regards to the lifts we do was a little chart I got from Totten Training Systems – it helps to find balances and imbalances with comparing strength lifts to classic lifts. Knowing where you are at with some of your lifts will help you figure out where to focus goals – in the strength category or classic lift category. Here are some things to think about:

  • Is your power snatch about 80% of your squat snatch?
  • Is your power clean about 80% of your clean and jerk and about the same as your squat snatch?
  • Is your jerk about 105% of your clean?
  • Is your clean and jerk about 80% of your back squat?
  • Is your front squat about 85% of your back squat?
  • Is your 3 rep max front squat equal to your clean and jerk?

Some interesting things here, huh? … Where are you balanced, where are you not? Talk with Barry if you are interested in discussing your lifts and how to create some goals based off your numbers.