Congrats to all of you who have Open WOD 15.1 and 15.1a in the books! It was awesome to watch you all compete and I’m so proud of all your efforts. From watching the standards and being familiar with the WOD to being on time to your registered session, to proper warm-ups to strategizing a plan, to execution with good, solid, quality reps… it was just a great way to kick it all off! Thanks to you all for fair, accurate judging as well. Let’s keep up this amazing vibe for 4 more weeks!
A few reminders:
- Make sure to record your scores each week on the CrossFit Games website by Monday 8pm. CF has a great app for the smart phone that makes it super easy. We do not do this for you – we simply validate your score.
- Ladies, for 15.1a, don’t forget your 15kg oly bar will be counted as 35lbs, so make sure to record your weight accordingly.
- Please continue to sign up for your desired workout time by Thursday nights at 10pm on Wodify. That’s super helpful when it comes to planning the weekend so it runs smoothly.
For anyone interested, it’s fun to come watch everyone compete in these workouts. Feel free to stop on by CFG on Fridays at 6pm, Saturdays at 10am and Sundays at noon to watch the action live. It’s inspiring to see your fellow athlete peers go at these workouts!