This past weekend, CrossFit King of Prussia hosted the second Keystone Affiliate Challenge. Around 75 athletes competed in the event's WOD. Congratulations to Aimee Lyons for putting on a solid event. Here is a picture of some fellow PA affiliate owners from CrossFit's KOP, York, Delaware Valley, Platoon, and APEX.
Workout of the Day
"Karen" 150 Wall Ball Shots for time
Daily Training – 6/25/2013
5 x 40m Farmers Carry
M: 55-90lbs, W: 35-55lbs
3 rounds for reps:
90 Seconds of Abmat Anchored Situps
30 second rest
90 Seconds of Wall Balls (20)(14)
30 second rest
90 Seconds of Toes to Bar
30 second rest
By crossfitgeneration|2013-07-11T14:46:49-04:00June 25, 2013|Wodify|Comments Off on Daily Training – 6/25/2013