Can you believe the first quarter of 2015 is over already? That means you should be 1/4 of your way to your goals for 2015. The goal board at CFG is filled with (mostly) solid, serious and realistic goals for you all… you wanted to achieve them, so what are you doing to get yourself there? Create an action plan – start small with daily or weekly goals to make sure you are staying on track to your main goals. A great way to do this is by the SMART goal method. Goals should be:

  • Specific – answer the “w” questions… who, what, when, where, why…
  • Measurable – needs concrete criteria… How much? How many? How can you tell if you’re on track?
  • Attainable – make them come true, be mindful of your attitude, actually make the changes you need
  • Realistic – are you willing and able to make this happen?
  • Timely – set a time frame to hold yourself accountable and see goals through from start to finish